Portugal residence permit

In recent years, Portugal has attracted more and more foreign investors and entrepreneurs not only for its picturesque nature and high quality of life, but also for its flexible immigration policy. Obtaining a residence permit (LPR) in Portugal opens the door to the European Union and offers many economic advantages.

Main programmes for obtaining a residence permit

Golden Visa

One of the most popular residence permit programmes is the Golden Visa, which attracts property investors and large business investors. The main requirements include:

  • Property investments of 500,000 euros or more.
  • Creation of a minimum of 10 jobs in Portugal.
  • Equity investments in Portuguese companies.

Residence permit through entrepreneurship

For those who wish to start a business in Portugal, there is the possibility of obtaining a residence permit through the launch of a business that will create jobs and have a significant economic impact on the region.

Residence permit for highly qualified professionals

The programme is designed to attract professionals in various fields, including IT, medicine and engineering, and involves proof of a high level of qualification and an offer from a Portuguese company.

Procedure for obtaining a residence permit

The process of obtaining a residence permit includes several steps:

  1. Document Preparation: Applicants must provide the required package of documents, including proof of investment, criminal records and proof of financial independence.
  2. Application: Documents are submitted to the consular section of the Portuguese Embassy or directly to the immigration office in Portugal.
  3. Obtaining the permit: After document verification and interview, applicants are issued a residence permit.

Advantages of a residence permit in Portugal

  • Access to EU markets: A residence permit allows you to travel and do business freely in any Schengen country.
  • Tax incentives: Portugal offers an attractive tax environment for foreign residents, including a non-resident tax regime.
  • Quality of life: Portugal is known for its mild climate, quality medicine and high level of security.

Portugal offers a variety of residence permit opportunities, each with its own unique advantages and requirements. What is common, however, is that the country is open to foreign investors and entrepreneurs wishing to expand their horizons and find a home in one of Europe’s most picturesque countries.

What is a Portugal residence permit?

Portugal, a country with a rich historical heritage and one of the most attractive economies in the European Union, offers unique opportunities for foreigners wishing to settle in Europe. A residence permit (LPR) in Portugal opens up a wide range of opportunities for business, investment and comfortable living throughout the European Union.

What is a Residence Permit?

A residence permit in Portugal is a document that authorises a foreign national to reside legally in Portugal for a certain period of time. This permit not only facilitates mobility within the Schengen area, but also grants the right to work, study and access to social services in the country.

Categories of residence permits in Portugal

Portugal offers several categories of residence permits, depending on the purpose and status of the applicant:

  1. Investment residence permits (Golden Visa): For foreign investors willing to invest in the country’s economy through the purchase of property, business investment or equity.
  2. Residence permit for entrepreneurs: For foreigners wishing to set up their own business in Portugal, which contributes to the creation of jobs for the local population.
  3. Family residence permit: For family members of residence permit holders, ensuring their right to reside in the country.
  4. Residence permit for highly qualified professionals: Attracts professionals from various sectors with unique skills and experience.

The process of obtaining a residence permit

Preparation of documentation

The first step in the process of obtaining a residence permit is to prepare the necessary documentation, including proof of financial independence, purpose of stay in Portugal, and absence of criminal record.

Submitting an application

The application for a residence permit is submitted to the Portuguese embassy or consulate in the applicant’s country of origin or directly to the immigration office in Portugal.

Consideration of application

Once the application has been submitted, the Portuguese immigration authorities verify the documents provided and decide whether to issue a residence permit.

Advantages of a residence permit in Portugal

  • Freedom of movement within the Schengen area.
  • The right to work and do business in Portugal.
  • Access to quality health care and education.
  • Possibility of tax optimisation through special tax regimes for non-residents.

A residence permit in Portugal offers exceptional opportunities for foreign investors and entrepreneurs wishing to expand their presence in the European Union. It is not only a way to improve the quality of life, but also a powerful tool for international business and access to the European market.

How to get a Portugal residence permit?

Portugal, a country with a developed economy and high standard of living, attracts many foreign investors and entrepreneurs. Obtaining a Residence Permit (HPV) in Portugal opens the door to business opportunities in Europe and grants the right to live in one of the most picturesque and economically stable countries in the EU.

Main types of residence permits

There are various residence permit programmes in Portugal, each tailored to the specific needs and objectives of foreign nationals:

  1. Golden Visa: For large investors willing to invest heavily in the country’s economy.
  2. Residence permit for entrepreneurs: For those who want to start or relocate their business in Portugal.
  3. Residence permit for professionals: For highly qualified professionals in the fields of technology, science and culture.

Stages of obtaining a residence permit

1. Identification of the appropriate category

The first step in the residence permit process is to determine which category best suits your business goals and investment plans. For example, if your goal is property investment, the Golden Visa would be the most appropriate choice.

2. Preparation of documents

Gathering and preparing the necessary documents is a critical step. The documents include:

  • Proof of investment (contracts, financial statements)
  • Biographical data (passport, CV)
  • Health insurance
  • Criminal record certificate

3. Submitting an application

The application for a residence permit is submitted to the Portuguese embassy or consulate in your country or directly to the Portuguese Migration Service. It is important to make sure that all documents are correct and fully compliant.

4. Application review procedure

After submitting the documents, the process of their review begins. This process can take from several months to a year, depending on the category of residence permit and the workload of the immigration service.

5. Obtaining and prolongation of residence permit

Once your application has been approved, you will receive a residence permit, which is usually issued for one or two years and can be extended. In order to extend your residence permit, you will need to prove that you continue to meet all the requirements of the programme under which the residence permit was obtained.

Advantages of obtaining a residence permit in Portugal

  • Access to the EU market: The residence permit allows you to do business not only in Portugal, but also in any EU country.
  • Tax incentives: Portugal offers favourable tax regimes for foreign investors.
  • High quality of life: Portugal is renowned for its climate, culture and quality of life, making it attractive to international entrepreneurs and their families.

Obtaining a residence permit in Portugal is a complex process that requires careful preparation and understanding of Portuguese law. However, the benefits that come with obtaining a residence permit make the process a worthwhile investment of time and resources for international investors and business people looking to expand their horizons in the European Union.

Types of Portugal residence permit

Portugal offers many opportunities for foreign nationals seeking to obtain a residence permit (LPR). Each type of residence permit has its own unique requirements and advantages, making Portugal an attractive country for different categories of international investors, entrepreneurs and professionals.

Main Types of Residence Permits

1. Residence permit for Investors (Golden Visa)

This is the most popular route for foreigners wishing to invest in the Portuguese economy. The programme grants a residence permit to those who invest heavily in real estate, Portuguese businesses or government bonds. Key features:

  • Minimum investment amount: Usually between €250,000 and €500,000, depending on the type of investment.
  • Benefits: The right to reside, work and study in Portugal, as well as freedom of movement within the Schengen area.

2. Residence permit for Entrepreneurs

Designed for foreign entrepreneurs who are willing to start a business in Portugal that will contribute to the economic development of the country. Criteria include:

  • Business Plan: A detailed business plan with growth and job creation projections is required.
  • Economic Impact: The business is expected to have a positive impact on the national or regional economy.

3. Residence Permit for Specialists and Researchers

This type of residence permit is intended for highly qualified professionals or researchers who can make a significant contribution to the scientific and technological development of Portugal. Requirements:

  • Highly Qualified: Possession of higher education or unique skills documented.
  • Contract or invitation: Having a contract with a Portuguese research organisation or university.

4. Family Reunification

Enables family members of residence permit holders to join them in Portugal. Includes spouses, minor children and other dependent family members.

5. Residence permit for Students

For international students enrolling in Portuguese institutions to pursue their studies. Usually requires proof of enrolment from the institution and proof of financial support for the period of study.

Procedure for obtaining a residence permit

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit involves an application through the Portuguese consulate or embassy in the applicant’s country of residence. All relevant documents must be submitted, an interview must take place and, in some cases, biometric data must be provided.

A residence permit in Portugal offers many opportunities for foreign investors, entrepreneurs, professionals and students. Each type of residence permit is tailored to specific needs and offers different benefits and obligations. Thanks to Portugal’s flexible immigration policy, many foreigners can find here opportunities to realise their professional and personal ambitions.

Temporary residence permit in Portugal

Portugal offers foreign nationals the possibility of obtaining a temporary residence permit, which is ideal for start-ups, investors and professionals seeking to develop their professional activity within the European Union.

What is a Temporary Residence Permit?

The Temporary Residence Permit (TPR) is granted to foreign nationals for a period of one to five years and can be renewed if all requirements are met. The TPL allows not only to reside but also to work in Portugal, to receive education and to benefit from health care.

Grounds for Obtaining the HLW

1. Employment

It is possible to obtain a HNW if you have an employment contract with a Portuguese employer. This implies a valid employment contract and proof of relevant qualifications.

2. Investments

Foreign investors investing capital in the Portuguese economy, including through the purchase of property or investment in local business projects, may also qualify for the HBI.

3. Training

Students enrolling in Portuguese institutions to study full-time can obtain a HLW for the duration of their studies.

4. Family reunification

Family members residing in Portugal can apply for a HBI to join loved ones who already have residency status.

Process for obtaining HLW

Preparation of Documents

The first step is to collect the necessary documents, including passport, proof of financial solvency, health insurance, criminal record certificate, and specific documents relevant to the purpose of the stay (e.g. labour contract or investment documents).

Submission of the Application

The application for a HNW is submitted in person at the consular section of the Portuguese Embassy or at the Portuguese Migration Service after entering the country on a Schengen visa.

Consideration of the Application

The application process can take from several months to a year. During this process, additional documents may be requested or interviews may be conducted.

Advantages of HBW in Portugal

  • Access to the EU labour market: the GDV entitles you to work not only in Portugal, but also to seek opportunities throughout the European Union.
  • Social guarantees: The right to education, health care and social insurance.
  • Business Opportunities: Portugal offers a favourable investment environment and many business opportunities.

A temporary residence permit in Portugal offers great prospects for foreign nationals wishing to do business, work or study in one of the most attractive countries in Europe. With the right preparation and understanding of the requirements, the process of obtaining a TPL can be your first step towards a successful and stable life in Portugal.

Permanent residence permit in Portugal

Permanent residence in Portugal is a status that allows foreign nationals to reside and work in Portugal for an unlimited period of time, enjoying virtually all the rights of Portuguese citizens. This status not only simplifies the process of doing business in the country, but also opens wide prospects for long-term investment and development.

Criteria for Permanent Residence Permit

To qualify for a permanent residence permit, a foreigner must fulfil the following basic conditions:

  1. Continuous residence in Portugal: You must have lived in Portugal for at least five years on the basis of a temporary residence permit.
  2. Integration into Portuguese society: Knowledge of Portuguese at A2 level with a relevant certificate.
  3. Financial stability: Having a stable income and housing in Portugal.
  4. Compliance with the law: No criminal record and no violations of Portuguese law.

Process of Obtaining a Permanent Residence Permit

Preparation of Documents

Applicants must prepare a set of documents that includes:

  • Proof of continuous residence in the country (e.g. copies of all passport pages with border crossing stamps).
  • Certificate of proficiency in Portuguese.
  • Documents proving financial stability and availability of housing.
  • Certificate of no criminal record.

Submission of the Application

The application is submitted to the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) of Portugal. This can be done online or in person at one of the SEF service centres.

Consideration of the Application

The review process may take several months. During this time, additional documents may be requested or interviews may be arranged to confirm the information provided in the application.

Advantages of a Permanent Residence Permit

  1. Right to work and business: Holders of a permanent residence permit can work and do business in Portugal without restrictions.
  2. Access to social benefits: The right to education, health care and social insurance on an equal basis with Portuguese citizens.
  3. Travelling in the Schengen Area: Freedom of movement within the Schengen countries.
  4. Citizenship: After five years as a permanent resident, it is possible to apply for Portuguese citizenship.

Permanent residence in Portugal offers great opportunities for foreign investors and entrepreneurs wishing to establish their presence in the European Union. It provides a stable basis for the development of personal and professional plans in one of the most dynamic economies in Europe.

Requirements to apply for a Portugal residence permit

Portugal is an attractive jurisdiction for international businessmen and investors interested in expanding their presence in the European Union. Obtaining a residence permit (LPR) in Portugal offers great opportunities for doing business, access to quality social services and free movement within the Schengen area.

Basic requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Portugal

1. Legal stay in the country

The first step to obtaining a residence permit is to have a legal basis to stay in Portugal, which can be confirmed by a Schengen visa or other type of visa appropriate to the purpose of the visit.

2. Financial stability

Applicants must prove their financial solvency to cover living expenses in Portugal. This usually includes providing bank statements or other documents proving that they have sufficient funds or a stable income.

3. health insurance

Proof of valid health insurance covering all risks in Portugal for the duration of your stay is required.

4. Housing

Applicants need to provide proof of permanent residence in Portugal, whether owned or on a long-term lease.

5. Certificate of no criminal record

A certificate of no criminal record from the country of origin or from other countries where the applicant has lived for more than one year in the last five years.

6. Knowledge of Portuguese language

Some categories of residence permits, such as permanent residence permits, require proof of Portuguese language skills at a certain level.

Additional requirements depending on the category of residence permit

Investment residence permit (Golden Visa)

  • Property investments from 500,000 euros.
  • Investing in the capital of Portuguese companies or buying government bonds for a significant amount.

Residence Permit for Entrepreneurs

  • Submitting a business plan to prove the viability of the venture.
  • Creation of jobs for Portuguese nationals (usually a minimum of 10 jobs).

Residence permits for professionals

  • An employment contract with a Portuguese company.
  • Evidence of high qualifications and relevant education.

Application process

The application for a residence permit is made through the Portuguese Foreign Affairs and Borders Service (SEF). The application process involves filling in the relevant forms, submitting all the necessary documents and paying the state fee.

Obtaining a residence permit in Portugal is a significant step for foreign investors and entrepreneurs planning to expand their activities to the European market. By identifying and meeting all the requirements, applicants can ensure that they successfully obtain a residence permit and utilise all the benefits that residency status in Portugal offers.

How to apply for a Portugal residence permit?

Portugal offers many opportunities for foreign investors and entrepreneurs wishing to expand their presence in the European Union. Obtaining a residence permit (LPR) in Portugal opens access to these opportunities, including doing business, access to the labour market and social privileges.

Stages of applying for residence permit

Step 1: Determining the appropriate type of residence permit

The first step is to choose the type of residence permit that best suits your needs. Portugal offers several types of residence permits, including:

  • Investment visas (Golden Visa)
  • Residence permit for entrepreneurs
  • Residence permit for highly qualified specialists
  • Residence permit for family reasons
  • Residence permit for students

Step 2: Gathering the necessary documents

You will need the following documents to apply for a residence permit:

  • Valid passport or other identity document
  • Evidence of financial stability (bank statements, income certificates)
  • Health insurance covering the whole period of stay in Portugal
  • Criminal record certificate
  • Documents confirming the basis for obtaining a residence permit (e.g. business plan for entrepreneurs, property purchase contract for investors)

Step 3: Submitting an application

The application for a residence permit is submitted to the Portuguese consulate or embassy in your country or directly to the Foreign Affairs and Borders Service (SEF) in Portugal. Some categories of applications can be submitted online through the official SEF portal.

Step 4: Interview and biometric data

Once you have submitted your documents, you will be scheduled for an interview where you will be required to submit all original documents and biometric data in person. At the interview, you will have to confirm the information provided in the application and answer questions regarding your residence permit application.

Step 5: Waiting for a decision

The processing time of a residence permit application can vary and depends on the type of visa and the workload of immigration services. In general, the process can take from a few months to a year.

Step 6: Obtaining a residence permit

Once your application has been approved, you will be granted a residence permit which will allow you to legally reside and work in Portugal under the conditions of your visa type.

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Portugal requires careful preparation and understanding of the local legislation. Investors and entrepreneurs wishing to capitalise on Portugal’s economic opportunities should pay particular attention to document preparation and compliance with all procedural requirements. If you successfully obtain a residence permit, Portugal opens its doors to your business and provides access to a wide range of economic and social opportunities in Europe.

Residence permits for employment in Portugal

Portugal actively attracts skilled professionals from abroad by offering different types of residence permits based on employment. This opens up opportunities for foreigners wishing to work and live in one of the most stable and developing economies in Europe.

Main types of residence permits for employment in Portugal

1. Residence permits for qualified professionals

This type of visa is intended for foreign professionals with unique skills or high qualifications that are in demand in the Portuguese labour market. These include IT specialists, engineers, medical professionals and other professions.


  • High school diploma or professional certifications.
  • Employment contract with a Portuguese employer.
  • Evidence of sufficient proficiency in Portuguese.

2. Residence permit under the EU Blue Card programme

The EU Blue Card is a residence permit for highly qualified non-EU citizens that allows easy movement and work within EU countries.


  • Higher education or five years of highly skilled work experience.
  • A work contract of at least one year with a salary that is 1.5 times the national average.
  • Health Insurance.

3. Temporary residence permit for workers

Suitable for persons who receive a job offer from a Portuguese employer. This residence permit is usually issued for one year with the possibility of renewal.


  • Working contract with a Portuguese company.
  • Proof of sufficient means to live.
  • Health Insurance.

The process of obtaining a residence permit for employment

Step 1: Collecting documents

A set of documents must be prepared, including:

  • Application for a residence permit.
  • A passport valid for at least 3 months after the expiry date of the requested visa.
  • Contract of Employment.
  • Evidence of qualifications and work experience.
  • Health insurance.

Step 2: Submitting an application

The application for a residence permit is made through the Portuguese embassy or consulate in the country of your current residence or directly to the Foreign Affairs and Borders Service (SEF) in Portugal.

Step 3: Processing the application and obtaining a visa

Once the application is submitted, it will be processed by the Portuguese migration authorities. This process may take several months. If the decision is favourable, you will receive a residence permit that will allow you to live and work legally in Portugal.

Portugal offers a variety of opportunities for foreign professionals seeking to work and develop their careers in a favourable European environment. Understanding the requirements and being properly prepared for the process will make it much easier to obtain the right type of residence permit and help in the successful integration into Portuguese society.

Residence visa/long stay visa in Portugal

Portugal attracts foreign investors and entrepreneurs not only because of its favourable economic climate, but also because of its simplified system for obtaining long-term visas and residence permits. These documents provide the opportunity for a long stay in the country, which is a significant advantage for doing business in the European market.

Long-term visa (type D) and residence permit

Definition and features

The long-stay visa, or D visa, is intended for foreigners who plan to stay in Portugal for more than three months. This type of visa is required for the subsequent issuance of a residence permit. The type D visa can be issued for a variety of purposes, including work, study, research or family reunification.

Key requirements for obtaining a long-term visa

  • Proof of purpose of stay: Proof of employment, study place, investment project or family ties in Portugal must be provided.
  • Financial independence: Applicants must prove that they have sufficient funds to live in Portugal for the duration of their stay.
  • Health Insurance: Have an insurance that covers all medical expenses in Portugal.
  • Criminal record certificate: A document from the country of residence confirming the absence of a criminal record.

The process of obtaining a long-term visa

  1. Collection of documents: Preparation of all necessary documents according to the purpose of the stay.
  2. Application: The application must be submitted to the Portuguese consulate or embassy in the country of residence.
  3. Waiting for a decision: It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for an application to be processed.

Transition from a long-term visa to a residence permit

After arrival in Portugal and subject to the validity of the long-term visa, the applicant can start the process of applying for a residence permit. This process involves submitting an application to the Foreign Affairs and Borders Service (SEF), providing biometric data and going through an interview.

Residence permit


A residence permit entitles you to:

  • Long-term residence in Portugal.
  • Working and running a business.
  • Access to the health and social care system.
  • Training and study in educational institutions.
  • Free movement within the Schengen area.

Renewal and renewal process

A residence permit is usually granted for one or two years with the possibility of renewal. The extension requires proof of fulfilment of the initial conditions for obtaining a residence permit, including financial stability and legal residence in the country.

Obtaining a long-term visa and residence permit in Portugal is a strategically important step for foreign businessmen to legalise their stay and activities in the European Union. The process requires careful preparation and understanding of Portuguese law, but the opportunities offered greatly enhance the prospects for personal and professional growth.

Can you travel with a Portugal residence permit?

Obtaining a residence permit in Portugal not only opens up opportunities to work and live in this country, but also greatly simplifies the process of travelling within the European Union.

Basic provisions for travelling with a Portuguese residence permit

Travelling within the Schengen area

Holders of a Portuguese residence permit have the right to move freely and stay in Schengen countries for up to 90 days in each 180-day period. This rule is based on the Schengen Agreement, which provides for the abolition of passport controls at the internal borders of the members of the agreement.

Travelling outside the Schengen area

Travelling to countries that are not part of the Schengen area but are members of the European Union (e.g. Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Cyprus) may require national visas depending on the legislation of the particular country.

Travelling outside the European Union

When planning to travel outside the EU, holders of a Portuguese residence permit should take into account the visa policy of the destination country. In most cases, a visa will be required in accordance with the requirements of the country to be visited.

Requirements and documentation for travelling

Passport and residence permit

For travelling outside Portugal, it is important to have a valid national passport and a residence card. The card confirms the status and the holder’s right to return to Portugal after the end of the trip.


It is recommended to take out health insurance that covers possible medical expenses in the host countries. In some cases, health insurance is a mandatory requirement for entry.

Return to Portugal

It is important to ensure that your residence permit and passport are valid at the time of your return to Portugal. In case of loss of documents or their expiry abroad, you should immediately contact the nearest Portuguese consulate or embassy.


A residence permit in Portugal greatly simplifies the travelling process for foreign residents, granting freedom of movement within the Schengen area and facilitating visits to other countries. However, it is important to remember to comply with the visa and migration regulations of the countries to be visited and to prepare the relevant documents for each trip.

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