Ireland residence permit

Ireland attracts foreign investors and entrepreneurs not only because of its unique culture and quality of life, but also because of its convenient geographical location and liberal economic policies. A residence permit in this country opens the door not only to Ireland, but also to wider opportunities within the European Union.

Main categories of visas and residence permits

1. Working visa

Work visas are intended for skilled professionals who can contribute to the economy of the country. To obtain this visa, you must have a job offer from an Irish employer.

2. Visa for investors and entrepreneurs

Ireland offers several business immigration programmes, including the Investor Programme and the Entrepreneur Programme. These programmes are designed for foreigners who are willing to invest in the country’s economy or set up a new business in Ireland.

3. Student visa

The student visa is open to international students enrolled in Irish educational institutions. This category allows not only to study but also to work on a limited basis.

4. Visa for family members

Family members of foreigners living in Ireland can apply for their own family reunification visas.

The process of obtaining a residence permit

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Ireland begins with an application at an Irish diplomatic mission in the applicant’s country of origin or through an online platform. A set of documents must be submitted, including proof of financial solvency, a business plan (for entrepreneurs), documents proving professional skills and qualifications, and a police certificate of criminal record.

Rights and obligations of residence permit holders

Holders of a residence permit in Ireland have the right to work, study, access to health care and social security and to move freely within the European Union. However, they are also obliged to comply with Irish law, including tax laws, and to regularly confirm their right of residence.

A residence permit in Ireland offers significant opportunities for foreign nationals. However, the process of obtaining it requires careful preparation and an understanding of Irish law. Prospective applicants are advised to seek professional legal advice to maximise the ease and speed of the residence permit process.

What is an Ireland residence permit?

Ireland, a country with a dynamic economy and a high quality of life, offers various residence permits for foreign nationals wishing to work, invest and live in Ireland. A residence permit in Ireland provides not only the right to reside, but also the opportunity to access labour markets and businesses within the European Union.

Determination of residence permit

A residence permit in Ireland is an official authorisation allowing foreign nationals to reside in Ireland for a fixed period of time with the possibility of renewal. It can be temporary or permanent, depending on the category and the grounds on which it is granted.

Categories of residence permits

  1. Working Residence Permit: intended for skilled professionals who have a job offer from an Irish employer.
  2. Investment Residence Permit: for foreign investors willing to invest significant sums in the Irish economy.
  3. Entrepreneurial Residence Permit: for persons wishing to set up a business in Ireland.
  4. Student Residence Permit: for international students enrolled in Irish educational institutions.
  5. Family Residence Permit: for immediate relatives of persons already residing in Ireland.

Advantages of an Irish residence permit

  1. Access to the labour market: residence permit holders are free to work in Ireland.
  2. Education and health: access to high quality education and health services.
  3. Freedom of movement in the Schengen area: the ability to travel within the Schengen countries.
  4. Right of permanent residence and citizenship: after a certain period of residence, the possibility to apply for permanent residence and citizenship.

The process of obtaining a residence permit

The procedure starts with an application through an Irish diplomatic mission or online. It is necessary to provide documents proving the purpose of stay, financial solvency, professional qualifications and health insurance. It is critical to prove the legitimacy of the origin of the funds and the absence of a criminal record. A residence permit in Ireland offers great opportunities for personal and professional growth in one of the most stable and prosperous countries in Europe. However, obtaining it requires careful preparation and understanding of the Irish legal system, so potential applicants are advised to use the services of qualified lawyers to successfully complete all the necessary documents.

How to get an Ireland residence permit?

In recent years, Ireland has become one of the most attractive destinations for migration due to its dynamic economy, high standard of living and liberal policies towards foreign investors. A residence permit in Ireland opens up many opportunities, from access to the educational system to the possibility of doing business at the European Union level.

Main ways of obtaining a residence permit

1. Through investments

Ireland’s Immigrant Investor Programme (IIP) offers foreign investors the opportunity to obtain a residence permit through substantial financial investment in the country’s economy. Participation in the programme requires an investment of €1 million or more in one of the approved projects for a period of at least three years.

2. Through business

The Start-up Entrepreneur Programme (STEP) is for non-European entrepreneurs who wish to set up a business in Ireland with an innovative business idea and seed capital of at least €50,000.

3. Through employment

To obtain residence through work, foreigners must obtain a job offer from an Irish employer and apply for a work visa. It is important that the occupation is on the list of critically needed skills.

4. Through study

Students enrolled in Irish universities can apply for a temporary residence permit for the duration of their studies and, after graduation, can seek employment for two years.

Application procedure

In order to obtain a residence permit, an application must be made to the Irish Immigration Service. The process involves submitting a full set of documents that prove the grounds for obtaining a residence permit and that the applicant meets the requirements of the chosen programme. Obtaining a residence permit in Ireland is a complex process that requires careful study of the available programmes and careful preparation of documentation. Successfully obtaining a residence permit opens wide prospects for foreigners to live and develop business in one of the most stable and safe countries in Europe.

Types of Ireland residence permit

Ireland offers various types of residence permits, each of which is tailored to the specific purposes of the foreigners’ stay in the country. Depending on individual circumstances, applicants can choose the most appropriate type of permit that will facilitate the realisation of their professional, investment and personal goals.

Main types of residence permits

1. Authorisation for investors and entrepreneurs

The Immigration Investor Programme (IIP) provides an opportunity to obtain a residence permit through significant investment in the country’s economy. The second pathway is the Startup Entrepreneurs Programme (STEP), which focuses on innovative startups.

2. Authorisation for professionals and skilled workers

This type of permit is intended for professionals who have received a job offer from an Irish employer in a critically sought-after field. The permit can be temporary or lead to a permanent residence permit.

3. Student authorisation

Granted to international students enrolled in Irish educational institutions. The student permit allows you to stay in the country for the duration of your studies and often allows you to work for a limited number of hours per week.

4. Authorisation for family members

Family members of foreigners residing in Ireland on long-term permits may apply for a family permit, which allows accompanying persons to reside with the principal applicant.

5. Authorisation for researchers and academics

A special type of authorisation that is designed for scientists and researchers working in Irish research institutes or educational institutions.

Application procedure

The process of applying for a residence permit in Ireland requires the submission of documents to prove that you fulfil the criteria for the chosen category. It is important to recognise that each type of permit has its own unique requirements in terms of minimum period of stay, financial independence and appropriate documentation. Choosing the right type of Irish residence permit depends on many factors, including professional plans, investment intentions and family circumstances. Careful consideration of all available options and requirements will optimise the migration process and speed up integration into Irish society.

Temporary residence permit in Ireland

A temporary residence permit in Ireland entitles foreign nationals to stay in Ireland for a limited period of time for a variety of reasons including study, work, business or family reunification.

Grounds for obtaining a temporary residence permit

1. Work

Foreign professionals who have received a job offer from an Irish employer may apply for a temporary residence permit. An important condition is that the applicant’s qualifications meet the requirements of the vacancy, which must be included in the list of critically demanded occupations.

2. Learning

Students enrolled in accredited educational institutions in Ireland may apply for a temporary study permit. This permit is usually valid for the duration of their studies and allows students to work a limited number of hours per week.

3. Business and investment

Ireland actively attracts foreign investors and entrepreneurs through programmes such as the Immigrant Investor Programme and the Start-up Entrepreneur Programme. Participants in these programmes receive a temporary residence permit with the possibility of subsequent extension.

4. Family reunion

Foreigners with family living in Ireland can apply for a temporary permit under family reunification. This permit entitles them to live alongside family members who are permanent residents or Irish citizens.

Application process

In order to obtain a temporary residence permit, the candidate must provide the necessary documents that prove the grounds for staying in the country. The documents include:

  • Confirmation of financial sustainability;
  • Evidence of housing availability;
  • Certificate of no criminal record;
  • Health Insurance.

The application is submitted to the consular section of the Irish Embassy in the applicant’s country of origin or directly to the Irish immigration authorities if the applicant is already in the country. A temporary residence permit in Ireland opens up a wide range of opportunities for foreigners seeking professional development, quality education or business in a stable European country. It is important to carefully prepare all the necessary documents and follow the application procedure to increase the chances of successfully obtaining the permit.

Permanent residence permit in Ireland

The introduction of the Irish residence permit system opens up a wide range of opportunities for foreign businessmen and investors. Ireland is attractive not only for its stable economy and high quality of life, but also for its liberal tax policy, especially with regard to corporate and intellectual property taxes.

1. General conditions for obtaining a residence permit

Foreigners wishing to settle in Ireland can apply for a residence permit, which is granted on the basis of several categories including work, study, family or investment. Of particular interest to businessmen and investors is the Investors and Entrepreneurs category, which allows immigration on the basis of setting up a business in Ireland or investing in the Irish economy.

2. Immigrant Investor Programme (IIP)

The IIP programme is designed for non-EU investors willing to make a significant investment in the Irish economy. The minimum investment threshold is €1 million, which must be invested for a period of at least three years. Investment options include buying property, investing in Irish businesses or investing in investment funds accredited by the government.

3. Start-up Entrepreneur Programme (STEP)

The STEP programme is available for innovative entrepreneurs planning to develop a business in Ireland. Applicants must present an idea that is recognised as innovative, viable and capable of delivering significant economic benefit to Ireland. Seed funding of €50,000 or more is required.

4. Rights and obligations of residence permit holders

Holders of a residence permit can work, study and have access to health care in Ireland. They are also eligible for family reunification. Permanent residence can be granted after five years of legal residence in the country.

5. Tax aspects

Ireland offers an attractive tax environment for foreign investors, including one of the lowest corporate tax rates in Europe at 12.5%. New residents can take advantage of a number of tax incentives, including special conditions for ‘research and development’ and intellectual property. Ireland continues to be an attractive jurisdiction for international business people and investors due to its open economy, progressive immigration policies and favourable tax conditions. Obtaining a residence permit through investment or setting up a business offers great prospects for strengthening business ties and expanding operations in the European Union.

Requirements to apply for an Ireland residence permit

Ireland, a country with a developed economy and a stable political climate, offers various opportunities for foreign nationals to obtain a residence permit. This may be of interest to both investors and entrepreneurs seeking to expand their operations in Europe.

1 Main categories of residence permits

There are several categories of residence permits available in Ireland, including:

  • Employment (General Employment Permit, Critical Skills Employment Permit);
  • Study (Student Permission);
  • Family Reunion;
  • Investment and entrepreneurship (Immigrant Investor Programme and Start-up Entrepreneur Programme).

2 Requirements for applicants for investment and entrepreneurship programmes

Immigrant Investor Programme (IIP)

  • Minimum investment threshold: from €1 million invested in the Irish economy for at least three years.
  • Permissible investments: property, Irish businesses, accredited investment funds.
  • Proof of legitimacy of funds: proof of the origin of the investment funds and their legitimacy must be provided.

Start-up Entrepreneur Programme (STEP)

  • Innovative business idea: the business plan should focus on creating a product or service with high potential for innovation and export.
  • Seed funding: minimum €50,000.
  • Job creation potential: the project should contribute to job creation in Ireland.

3. Documentation requirements

Applicants should prepare a complete package of documents including:

  • Completed application form;
  • A valid passport;
  • Financial evidence of ability to support self and family;
  • Criminal record certificates;
  • Health insurance.

4. Application process and deadlines

The application process involves preparing and submitting all required documents through an online platform or Irish Embassy. The processing of an application can take from several months to a year, depending on the category and the accuracy of the information provided.

5. Rights and privileges

A residence permit entitles you to work, study, access to health and social services in Ireland and to enter and leave the country without hindrance. Permanent residency and citizenship can be obtained after an extended period of residence in the country, provided all the necessary conditions are met. Ireland offers many opportunities for foreign investors and entrepreneurs wishing to expand their operations and reside in a legally stable and economically developed European country. Compliance with all the requirements and proper preparation of documents increases the chances of successfully obtaining a residence permit.

How to apply for an Ireland residence permit?

Ireland offers attractive opportunities for foreign investors and entrepreneurs wishing to expand their business and settle in the country. The process of obtaining a residence permit in Ireland requires careful preparation and submission of documents.

Step 1: Determining the appropriate category

The first step is to determine the category of residence permit that best suits your goals and circumstances. The main categories include:

  • Employment (General Employment Permit, Critical Skills Employment Permit);
  • Investments (Immigrant Investor Programme, Start-up Entrepreneur Programme);
  • Study (Student Permission);
  • Family Reunion.

For business-oriented applicants, programmes for investors and entrepreneurs will be most relevant.

Step 2: Gathering the necessary documents

The following application package will be required to apply:

  • Completed application form;
  • A valid passport;
  • Financial evidence of the ability to support yourself and family in Ireland;
  • Criminal record certificates from all countries where you have lived for more than 6 months;
  • Health insurance to cover your stay in Ireland;
  • Business plan (for entrepreneurs) or proof of investment (for investors).

Step 3: Submitting an application

Applications for residence permits are made through the official Irish immigration website or through the Irish embassy/consulate in your country. It is important to ensure that all documents are submitted in English or translated by an accredited translator.

Step 4: Payment of fees

The amount of the fee depends on the category of the residence permit and the duration for which it is issued. The fees usually range from a few hundred to a few thousand euros, especially in categories related to investment and business activities.

Step 5: Waiting for a decision

Application processing times can vary from a few weeks to several months, depending on the category of residence permit and the volume of applications submitted. During this time you may be asked to attend an interview or submit additional documents.

Step 6: Obtaining a residence permit

Once your application is approved, you will be granted a residence permit which will allow you to live and work in Ireland, as well as enjoy other rights such as access to health care and education.

Obtaining a residence permit in Ireland is a complex process that requires careful preparation and an understanding of Irish immigration law. Applying correctly and following all procedures will greatly increase the chances of your case being successful.

Residence permits for employment in Ireland

Ireland attracts many foreign professionals due to its developed economy, high standard of living and liberal taxation. For employment in Ireland, foreigners need to obtain a residence permit, which includes several types of documents, depending on qualifications, profession and purpose of stay.

1. General requirements

To start the process, it is necessary to have a job offer from an Irish employer which confirms that the vacancy cannot be filled by an EU candidate. It is also necessary to ensure that the salary of the position offered meets the minimum requirements set by the Irish immigration authorities.

2. Categories of authorisations

(a) Critical Skills Employment Permit

This type of permit is intended for highly skilled professionals in shortage areas such as IT, engineering and medicine. This permit is issued for two years and allows the holder to bring a family without the need for additional work permits for a spouse.

(b) General Employment Permit

This is a more general type of permit that does not require specialisation in a shortage area. It can be issued on the basis of a job offer that meets certain salary and other conditions. The permit is issued for an initial period of up to two years with the possibility of renewal.

(c) Reactivation Employment Permit

This type of authorisation is for people who previously held a work permit in Ireland but have lost it due to certain circumstances, including unlawful dismissal.

3. Application process

The application process involves the preparation of a set of documents, which usually consists of an application form, a copy of the applicant’s passport, evidence of the necessary qualifications and professional experience, and confirmation of a job offer from an Irish employer.

4. Important aspects

Ireland’s immigration legislation provides clear criteria for obtaining a work permit and each case is considered on an individual basis. Particular attention is paid to supporting professionals in areas that are most important to the country’s economy. Obtaining a work permit in Ireland is a complex process that requires attention to detail and an understanding of local legislation. However, its successful completion opens up many professional and personal opportunities for foreign specialists in one of the most stable and dynamic countries in Europe.

Residence visa/long stay visa in Ireland

The Irish Long Stay Visa allows foreigners to reside in Ireland for more than 90 days. This visa is required for those who plan to move to Ireland for work, study, family reunification or business purposes.

1. Categories of visas for long stay

(a) Visa for employed persons

This category is for foreigners who have received an offer of employment in Ireland. A copy of the work permit issued by the Irish authorities is required for the visa application.

(b) Study visa

Designed for students enrolled in Irish educational institutions. The key requirements are proof of enrolment from the institution and proof of financial solvency for the entire period of study.

(c) Visa for family reunification

This type of visa allows family members of Irish citizens or permanent residents to move to Ireland. Proof of family ties and financial dependence is essential.

(d) Visa for business immigration

Provided for foreign entrepreneurs wishing to set up a business in Ireland. A business plan and proof of sufficient funds for investment are required.

2. Application process

The visa application is submitted through the online platform of the Irish visa application centre. It is necessary to fill in the application form, upload the required documents and pay the consular fee. It is important to note that all documents must be translated into English or Irish and notarised.

3. Features and requirements

Ireland is known for its strict approach to visa processing. Each category has specific requirements for documents and conditions. For example, a study visa requires proof of sufficient funds to cover living and study expenses, while a work visa requires a work permit.

Obtaining a visa for a long-term stay in Ireland is a responsible and multi-stage process that requires attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the country’s immigration laws. Successfully obtaining a visa opens up a wide range of opportunities for foreigners to achieve their professional and personal goals in one of the most attractive countries to live and work in Europe.

Can you travel with an Ireland residence permit?

A residence permit in Ireland grants foreigners the right to stay in the country for long periods of time. Holders of such a permit are often faced with the question of whether they can travel within Europe and beyond. Let’s take a closer look at the rules and conditions that govern travelling for Irish residence permit holders.

1. Travelling within Ireland

Holders of a residence permit in Ireland are free to move freely within the country. However, a valid national passport and residence permit must be carried with them to enter and leave the country.

2. Travelling to Schengen countries

Ireland is not a member of the Schengen Agreement, so holders of an Irish residence permit do not have an automatic right to enter Schengen countries without a visa. A Schengen visa is required to visit such countries. The process of obtaining a visa involves submitting an application, providing the necessary documents and paying a consular fee.

3. Travelling to the UK

The UK situation is special as the rules for Irish residents are subject to change following Brexit. The current position is that non-EU nationals, including Irish residence permit holders, require a visa to enter the UK, unless otherwise provided for in bilateral agreements or UK policy.

4. Other international travel

For travelling to other countries around the world, Irish residence permit holders are also required to obtain national visas depending on the requirements of the country being visited. It is important to check in advance the visa requirements and entry requirements of the countries of interest.

5. Return to Ireland

After completing their journey, holders of an Irish residence permit must ensure that their permit and passport are valid at the time of return to Ireland. It is also important to carry documentation to prove the purpose of the trip and the conditions of residence in Ireland.


Irish residence permit holders have many opportunities to travel, but each trip requires careful preparation and an understanding of visa requirements. Proper planning and compliance with the law ensures a safe and enjoyable journey and a trouble-free return to Ireland.

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